Sunday, December 30, 2007



maria sharpova live exhibition.

WOOHOO! That's what I'm talkin' about, babyy! Gosh, it was soooo cool. Like ever seen the ball go swooshing back and forth in a split-split-split-split-split second? SO SCARY, no kidding.

No, I did not buy a ticket. Jie got it free cause their B Div' won first, and there was extra, so I got one! YAY (: You people are jealous, I know ittt. But don't be, I'll try to show you pictures! Well, except I have no idea how to load them in here. Sorry :(

Anyway, the score was 6-0, 7-6 (11-10) :O :O :O to Sharapova of course. But I wanted Chakvetadze to win (actually I just wanted her to win the second set so that we could stay longer and watch moreee!) Up to now, I still can't pronounce Anna's surname right. Hahaha.

You know right now, I'm still so overwhelmed. I still can't believe I watched sharapova live! Did you know, did you know that ...

a) Chakvetadze was robbed in her own home a few days before she was due to arrive in Singapore?


b) Sharapova's luggage was missing (I'm thinking some one stole it and is selling it on Ebay for billions this moment), and Nike at wheelock had to open their shop for half an hour for her, just so she could pick out an attire? (And her clothes today were sort of EWW. Her skirt was high and it looked a bit 1970's-ish, and her top was a plain dark purple collared shirt. ARGH, is Singapore's Nike that sad?)

Mann, Anna could have won the second set okay! There were like 3 or 4 matchpoints = 3 or 4 chances for her to level :( But no, she decided to let sharapova beat her up. Oh well, well done Anna Chakvetadze! And I still love you sharapova :D

Today was an incredible day and shimin was a good linesman, shouting so loud! and there were no corrections, hahaha! I really hope sharapova and chakvetadze enjoyed Singapore and come back every year! When will Federer ever comeee? HAHAHA, in my dreams. The cheapest ticket would probably be ten thousand dollars or something, hahaha.

I LOVE TODAY! And tomorrow is new years eve! AHHHH! so scary. a whole new year, a whole new 365 days! WHOOOO, SPOOKAY. So just in case I don't blog in the next 2 days, I'd like to wish y'all a


- filled with love, peace, joy happiness, and whatwhat - prosperity and fortune? Haha. Have a fabulous ohEIGHT, everyone!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

be my escapee.

Ooh, just had my shower - in darkness. Yup, literally - dark (well, accept for the candles). One of the bathroom's lights is sort of spoilt - it keeps flickering non-stop, which hurts my eyes. And I can't off that one and turn on the other, cause they're both controlled by the same switch -.- So I had to bathe with candles lighted by the bathtub. Though I can't really see much, I'll admit it is pretty cool to bathe in the dark ;)

Yes, I could have bathed when there was sunlight. But I was out the whole afternoon. Clique outing today! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE! To Escape!! Gosh, it was fun!

So I met Lisakoh at Toa Payoh Hub. Well actually, we met in 105 (not scheduled). The real schedule was to meet at twelve at TPH. But I guess we were both a little late. What good (and exact) timing we have! Hahaha. We lunched at Sakae which cost a lot though we didn't eat pretty much - 35 bucks for the two of us (service charges + GST was 17% in total :O).

We met the others at the platform (and Grace + Kelly were late.. they blamed band, haha). So Grace, Kelly, Natasha, Ping En, Pearlene, Lisa and I set off for City Hall station before changing line to Pasiris.

Finally reached our destination at three (an hour behind schedule). & we only started queuing up for rides at four cause the queues (to enter) were loooonggg (though today's a Thursday). So we got 'warmed up' with the spaceship-shuttle-cup thing, while I quite unsuccessfully told Lisa, Natasha, and Pearlene my (very funny) joke.

Next stop, the Inverter :D:D:D We queued up for one hour, or more? We lost track of time. It looked really scary, and Nut and I were freaked out. In fact, we had half a mind to jump out of the queue and take the less scary rides, but we didn't (thank goodness!). After waiting for what seemed like eternity, we were all pretty restless, having been chatting, constantly sitting down and getting up, chatting, playing the thumb game, chatting, armwrestling, and chatting, it was our turn at last.

We climbed into our seats, Nut and I feeling nervous and uneasy, and sat down reluctantly, awaiting our doom. Much to our surprise, the ride was a blast! It wasn't as scary as Space Mountain! As that gigantic machine made those 360 degree turns, we screamed at the top of our lungs, which made us feel gooddd (: And when it turned upside down, hanging downwards, parallel to the ground, I felt my feet lift off from the floor of my seat and for a moment I thought they were going to fall down due to gravity and hit me square on my face. Thankfully, the safety bars did a good job in preventing that from happening (phew!). I stopped thinking about that, and focused on the upside-down view. It was so cool, I could see the trees and lots of colourful little things. That 5 seconds lasted a pretty long time. Even as I recall the ride, I begin to feel just a teensy bit dizzyish. The Inverter was awesomeee. Thrilling, freaky but fun (: It was the highlight of my day :D

To Lisa: I guess I don't have to kill you. It was indeed worth the wait (:
To Kelly: Maybe I'll give you part of my money in my will; for keeping your promise that Nut and I would live. HAHA :D & I didn't get your joke this afternoon but it made me laugh when no one laughed. Tell me the joke again next time cause I didn't really hear it, haha :D

After that, we took our last ride - some kiddie roller coaster ride, that was still really fun, though not as fun as the inverter of course! The queue was much faster cause it was much shorter, and the ride was pretty short too.

We collected our stuff from the lockers and bought food from BK before Lisa, Pearlene and I cabbed to TPH (Nut and Pinkie took MRT and Kelly and Grace left earlier).

I had a lovely day today, and it's all thanks to you guys! YOU MADE MY DAY!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007





Hey, hey, hey everyone! It's THE DAY, the day we've all been waiting for!

I'd just like to say a great, big, ginormous, fantastic, wonderful, delightful, enjoyable, awesome, lovely, spectacular, beautiful


Wheeeeee! So, so, so excitingggg... Waiting for the guests to arrive! & I'm coughing cause of all the funny(but yummy)-smelling mixture of all the delicious [FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD!]

It's such a pretty day! When I look out of my window at botanicgardens, I see many malay and indian people who are hopefully enjoying this bright, sunny day! Hahaha, guess they aren't Christians.

Last night, we were supposed to go for midnight mass at St. Ignatius. But my sister and I were so against it, cause we wanted to go to our own parish - ST. BERNADETTE!! We were having dinner at crystal jade (Holland V.) at like 10.30, and then I (VERY SMARTLY) went to call up 100 and asked for the st. ignatius number. & guess what? Turned out christmas mass on christmas eve was 8.30pm and 11pm. Yes, so we got our wish! To St. Bernadette's it was :D (thank you, thank you, it's all thanks to mua! kidding..) We were enterntained by the children's caroling and that solo girl was pretty good - the all I want for christmas is you song. Went back home to open christmas presents and finally turned in at three.


Party's over, folks :( Christmas at our place was lovely, though I'm still really used to christmas at Porpor's. The "kids" (most are above 12) were like playing boardgames in my room, while the adults were (I don't know what they were doing, cause we were too caught up in our life) I guess, doing whatever adults do. After our game of life (which was sooooo funnnyyy and jie won >:( whateverr), it was kid's lunch (the adults eat first), and then opening presents timeee (: Pretty much to my satisfaction, I received new brown birks, wallet, women's secret floral bag (I use? haha...), books, vouchers, don't remember what else..

Had dinner downstairs earlier, and am watching CLICK which is really funny and not to mention beyond weird. Hate the part when it all turns out to be a dream, but it's true they couldn't leave it ending so terribly. Whatever it is, the show's real good. Still have Devil Wears Prada <3.

Aww man. I'm so sad, I just saw the cable tv clock; it says 00:00 :( nooooo, christmas is over. Wow, just a mere 365 days to the next christmas. But true enough, despite the fact that that was said in sarcasm, I bet christmas will be here again practically tomorrow, just how it feels like each year. Still, thinking about all this,

WHYWHYWHY? Why must time whizzz past ever so fast? We don't even have the time to remember, to store those happy memories in our heads, before it's all taken away from us, before it's all over! School's starting in a week, and I'm one unhappy kid. I mean, just look at it this way, and maybe you'll understand;

We've been lighting up the pretty-in-purple advent candles at each eucharistic celebration for the past month, looking forward to christmas since - forever, putting up the gorgeous christmas tree, doing christmas shopping, wrapping gifts really beautifully, preparing everything for sooo long! And now, after 24 fun-filled BUT short hours, christmas is gone? Yes, I know there are 12 days of Christmas. But 25 December is officially over! Right now, it's the 26th!

If only Christmas day lasted 9829734089145 hours :) That'd be really wonderful. But it's not, so I'm just moving on, getting over the 'horribleness' of it all, accepting the saddenning fact, that christmas is O.V.E.R. Though thinking about it now, when I feel slightly calmer, I realise what I really don't want to be over was that lovely family gathering, when all of us were together, all happy-happy.

To those who were in good moods before reading this: Sorry I might have destroyed that mood, and left a dark, black, overhanging cloud above your heads.

And to those who were in not-so-great moods: Sorry if I had taken away what little happiness was in you, and it's nice to know there are some who feel the same way.


Friday, December 21, 2007

back from shanghai


Okay, I shall talk about Shanghai -

Yup, it's winter there now - COLDDDD. brrrr.

& I so need to report this: Shanghai is like ultra dirty. and dusty. All the cars were coated with layers and layers of dust - GROSS :( & the people there kahpui-ed all over the streets. Plus, their roads are so disorganised - cars, motorbikes, bicycles and people, all moving together on the roads. And all these were supposedly much better improved than before. That just makes me wonder how much worse it could have been..

Besides that, I guess there's nothing else bad about the place. All their famous places for tourists to visit were really nice (at least those areas were cleaner) like their gardens and water villages and the Bund.

But whatever. It sure is great to be back in Singapore (: (except it's frickin HOTTAAA :O)

Oh yes. I bought souvenirs for the clique :D (they're all pretty cheena but I was in China so sorry if they're not your kind of thing, hahaha.) And WHAT THE. YOU GUYS ARE GOING SENTOSA TOMORROW?! - I doubt I can go :(:( I got that from Lisa's blog (I read every post I missed (: ) - & speaking of chrismas cards, I'm not done with mine :O

Oh dear. Is it too late to send them?? I'm so dead. Only finished SIX :O Whatever, I'm still sending them. Better late than never right? Whoopsiedoo. I forgot about addresses. Okay, I'd better finish up with my cards FAST.

Monday, December 10, 2007

It's been quite a hectic day and I know I am exhasted but it's not affecting me much. I have to go to bed in 15 minutes (lest I kill myself in training tomorrow) but then again, I know that is pretty unlikely to happen.

  1. I woke up in the morning and helped my sister paint her toenails, and then painted my own.
  2. Left the house at 12.30 for school, with my sister accompanying me, where I collected Flowers for Algernon from the bookshop, and then walked to Toa Payoh Hub.
  3. Had a very snappy Subway sandwich before I had to leave my sister and go back to school.
  4. Was walking awfully fast (and I know all that meatball sandwich was jumping around in my stomach). Finally reached the fourth floor of the science block and entered the computer lab, only fifteen minutes late.
  5. We watched the 5-minute video and then tried starting on something (in vain). Tsi Yuan ended up showing us weird youtube videos like the Thai Cheers adverts and the bangla singing In The End.
  6. Walked to the interchange with Crystal and took two buses to Balmoral Plaza for chinese tuition. Finished up that zuo wen with Wei Chi (:
  7. Got back home and watched tv, had dinner. & now mum and dad are back home!

Another busy day ahead. Still have yet to pack for Shanghai, but it's so difficult to, only because I don't really want to go there. And by the time I get back, it'll be Christmas. And it will be the beginning of another school year.

OH! A rather scary thing happened today - I nearly lost my phone :O And very coincidentally, my sister just lost hers yesterday at that Japanese restaurant. & so I was thinking how we would both be in such deep, deep poop when mum and dad came back. But really thankfully(xie tian, xie di), I had left it at the lab and Ms Nee had kept it for me. PHEWW.

You pretended you didn't see.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

i am not in a very blogging mood now.
i shall keep this one really simplified.
i shall type in randomly whatever comes to my mind.
i love porpor forever & ever.
i need to find my place in this world.
i feel like weaving.
i am trying to make myself look forward to shanghai.
i can't wait for christmas.
i don't like the weather now.
i hope jiejie recovers soon.
i realise i am in a thinking-about-thinking mood...
ooh! i just realised i started every line with an 'i'
AHH. except that one, and this one!
i am making myself weird.
i wish for peace and love especially in the season of christmas.

i am sorry if the colours annoyed you.
i just felt like brightening this boring post.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

THE JOY. Come, sing, rejoice with me!

Val's done with math homeworkeee (: Finally. One of the lasts to complete it but heck, what matters is that it's done and I can probably put it away till the end of the holidays (except I got like four questions wrong :O - I think it's the answers..) & I used only 9 sheets of fullscap! (considering I squeezed & squashed my working, but it's still pretty neat anyhow!)

Though it's such a depressing day (not me, it's the weather), I am unusually free, floating, joyous HAPPY (: I guess it's the feeling-accomplished sort of happy, which often disappears as quick as it comes. LIKE ZAP! & now, I feel the happiness slurped out of me, zipped-zapped and a POOF! --- gone. Hah, oh well. I guess I shall have to think of more self-satisfying jobs to do to get that wondrous feeling back in me (;

Oh yes, one more accomplishment, though not as big as math - completed book: Warriors - Starlight, my love. What a great ending.. Mudclaw - DEAD! & what's more, he didn't die as a loyal warrior, fighting to his death to protect his clan. Oh no, he died more spectacularly in fact - struck by lightning (indirectly). I never liked him - that rude, ignorant, power-thirsty brat of a cat >:( & wow, I never thought Leafpool + Crowfeather clicked a bit! Who would have guessed. Such a pity, pity, pity - Leafpool being a medicine cat (can't get into that sort of relationship) & an excellent one, too.

Okay now, on to Warriors: Twilight. & I'd better get Sunset quick. Can't wait for the new series! the Power of Three :D

Monday, December 3, 2007

Wow val, it's been ages since you last posted but whatever. I'm posting now, aren't I? Okay, stop talking to yourself! Gah, I really have to stop talking to myself. I bet if Pinky were reading this now, she would hammmer me (cause I talked to myself too much in Perth already). Anyway, I'm currently listening to this song on 98.7 and I promise, promise, promise I hear that lady singing: won't you come over, Valerayayayay, Valerayyy (over and over again) - like that's the chorus. Boy, it's such a catchy song and she keeps saying my name :D:D Okay rewindd a littleee...

So I came back on thursday. & Mum and Dad and Jie were there waiting for me at the arrivals (: Had dinner at Delifrance & then home. Aunty Margaret & Uncle David visited us that night before returning to Melbourne & we had another dinner - home-made fried rice - the stickyish way I love (:

Friday was chinese tuitionn for really longg & Dad picked me up to go to toapayoh, where Grace was going to pass me my band concert ticket. & after I collected my ticket and we were on the way home, Dad asked why I had bought the band ticket before telling him, which stunned me a little & for that moment, I thought Dad was pissed at me for not asking permission first. Instead, he asked whether I could get any more tickets. Wah, so phewww. & I had to call Grace to ask if she knew anyone with more tickets. So we got 3 more tickets (:

Stayed home the whole Saturday afternoon, where I started Math homework - very slow, I know (that totally rhymes!) Mum wanted to visit Porpor before going for the concert & Dad was taking a nap. So we (Mum, Jie and I) took a cab to Porpor's place.
Dad picked us up from there at 7 and we went to school for the band concert. IJ main band was awesome! I was smsing Lisa and we agreed to meet during the intermission. So later on, we all sat together (Peiqi, Melissa, Lisa and I). The junior band did a great job too and I recognised like half of the junior band - cheryl, kelly, beatrice, grace, chienwen, chinyen, grace a, kimberly... We were so boiling in the heat and Lisa and Peiqi kept passing Lisa's jacket back and forth. & Melissa and Lisa were constantly passing messages to each other through me (when they could already hear each other well enough). Lisa did not have enough uh, emotion, according to Melissa. hahaha. What idoits :D HAHA & Melissa missed me and my singing awww. All in all, the concert was a blasttt. Well done both IJ BAND & St. Margs band :D

Went for 11am mass on Sunday. Had lunch at Great World. I shall not talk about the old man with the pram HMPHH >:( Went home, where Godma & Godpa were dropping Porpor off. We drove to CentrePoint with Porpor cause she wanted to shop with Mum. Had dinner with Porpor and Gonggong (Chilli Crab was good and HOT!) & I ate too much.

This morning, Dad left for Clang (spl?) Sad :( & Mum'll be going to KL on saturday morning :( & when they come back on monday, we'll have to get ready for Shanghai :(:(:( on wednesday. Not quite looking forward to Shanghai - it's CHINA! & have I not mentioned, Shanghai for TEN days? AND it's winterrr (minus degrees to 12 degrees I think). Not only that, it's so cold and there's not even going to be snoww :(:( Like what's the point of winter if there's no snow?! Wish me luck. Chinese tuition later. Awman, no one to fetch me :( Why am such a poor, depressing child? :(

Home alone on a gloomy monday.

Can't stand it! Someone come comfort my poor lonely and depressed soul.

Friday, November 30, 2007

AEP Perth Trip 24 - 29 NOV '07

Day 1

Flight (to Perth, Australia)

I sat one seat away from the window seat, next to a Sec 2, Caroline. Lunch was quite horrible - some lemony pasta that everyone was too disgusted to finish. I manged to finish watching two movies (only) - Shrek 3 and The Simpsons Movie. The Simpsons Movie was really funny and Shrek 3 was not quite to my liking. As we were descending, the plane kept making really weird lurches and lunges. Every lurch was like a sudden dip downwards that made me feel like my seat was going down faster than my butt could follow. And each time it lurched, all the AEPers were like WHOOOOOO! Hahahaha, it was so funny :D Plus, that plane ride was the first for some girls, and they were pretty terrified.

Raeburns Orchard

After we touched down, collected our luggage and so on, we got on board our coach and was warmly greeted by our friendly tour guide/driver, Trevor. We travelled for nearly an hour to Raeburns Orchard, where we purchased fruits, jams, chocolates and gummies.

70 Pier Street, Aarons Hotel

We settled down in our rooms. The room Pinky, Nisha and I shared was room 212. It was not a very big room but it was comfy (: Later on, we walked to an Indonesian restaurant where we had dinner. & then it was back to our rooms for the night. (the aircon was really, really colddd.)

Day 2


We had breakfast at the cafe in our hotel. It was a huge breakfast though not very appetising but satisfactory - toast bread with jam, honey, and butter that was self-service, as well as two poached eggs, two hashbrowns, ham and bacon which was extremely oily and only the hashbrown was fine. & we were told we would be having that as breakfast each day :O


We visited Monument Hill where we took many pictures and camwhored a lot, Cappuccino Strip which is a street that got its name as all the coffee houses on that street set up tables and chairs along the pavements, Fremantle Markets where we shopped for two hours and the Round House which used to be a prison and was built by ex-convicts. Before visiting the Round House, we had a really excellent Fish & Chips lunch - so crispy and succulent (oily) but still, yumyum (:

Okay, you know what? I'm starting to get a little lazy elaborating on everything. Maybe if I feel like it one day, I'll talk about the rest of this most wonderful trip in detail (: Sorry to disappoint you, faithful readers (if I have any), hahaha (:

PICA (Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts)

AWESOME Art Festival

Chinese Dinner

We drank soooo much water only because we wanted to see who the waitors would listen (to our calls to refill our empty jugs) & laughter during dinner was way too contagious.

Day 3

Kings Park Treetop Walk

UWA (University of Western Australia) - Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery

Chinese Lunch Supermarket

W.A. Art Gallery

Mundaring Art Centre

Day 4

Curtin University workshop Weaving & Felting Welcome Lunch

Dinner oleh oleh supper @ subway

Supermarket - Kinder Bueno & I sneezed on Mrs Zailee (accidentally of course) hahahaha.

Day 5

Curtin University workshop Fabric Print & Embroidery Visit to John Curtin Art Gallery evolution videos

indonesian dinner

Day 6

Caversham Wildlife Park - Kangaroos (JENA!), Koalas & Wombats (BIG BABY!) were too adorable to bear!

Flight (to Singapore) great food! (unlike the flight going there) watched Nancy Drew & episodes and episodes of Simpsons which were funnny!

there's nowhere sweeter than HOME (:

Thursday, November 29, 2007

valerie is back from perth

I just returned to Singapore from Perth this evening and am dead beat. Don't even ask me why I'm still up. I have been catching up on everyone's blogs and my eyes are all droopy :( I miss Perth already, though I am pretty sure I'll be back there really soon.

I've got Chinese tuition tomorrow for two hours during the lunch period - what odd timing, when is lunch? That means, I won't be able to wake up at twelve tomorrow :( Well, at least there ain't no training tomorrow. & after tuition I'll be meeting Grace at Toa Payoh Central so that I can collect my band tickets :D And that means I'll have to squeeze in lunch on the way to Toa Payoh.

& I am definitely too sleepy to do a recount of my awesome AEP trip. So that'll be tomorrow (:

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today's events are as follows (quite uneventful, but whatever): raining


Okay, I guess training was okay... Spent most of it learning dropshot - which up to now, I still cannot do backhand dropshot :( at least I can do forehand (: I just learnt that all this while, my backhand volley's been WRONG :O oh no, oh no! I think I swing my racquet too back or something... Okay training was not thattt bad, considering we didn't have too much physical :) & coach let us off 15 minutes early! (incredible!)

& we were bugged (literally) in training

What bugged us this morning was the BUG ATTACK. Bees, moths, mosquitoes, fleas, ants, whatever bug: You name it, We saw it. During waterbreak, we were slapping our thighs and arms, and stamping on bugs (EW!). & while we were lining up for our drills, we were moving our feet so much, and we looked so on the go mann, when in fact, we were trying to keep those mozzies away. Yes, we were still getting bitten despite those layers of insect repellant on our skin that Ms Chua made us put :(

First row seats not necessarily = neck cramp

Nicole & I had lunch at botanic foodcourt & then went up to my house to bathe. & that's where nicole's hair got stuck in the hairbrush and she was yanking it off her scalp :O but she's fine now, no worries (: And when we checked the seats, the whole cinema was practically booked up except for some seats in the first 3 rows from the screen. & in the end, we ended up getting first row seats, which weren't as bad as I thought they'd be, cause there was a nice seat to lean your head on (;

FreeOfCharge chessy hotdogg!

We were actually on time for the movie! Wow. & it was so cool, we got something from the scratch & win thing. Like I have never won anything at all, usually the: Sorry, you have not won any prize, thank you for participating... But this time it said: you have a *FREE* cheesy hotdog! I thought it was so cool, although it was only a $2 thing :D & we shared it (:


AHHHH. ENCHANTED WAS WONNDERRRFULLL :D:D It's ultra funnnyyy (: especially with Nicole sitting next to you :D she laughed at eveyrthing. Even the not-really-funny parts. HAHAHA, but it was comical. I CAN'T stand that touch of your lips first kiss whatever song. Though, it made everyone laugh, it was driving me nutss. HAHA. & the part when Robert and Giselle were in the park & she started singing her song, and everyone in the park joined in too, and it was like a huge parade! GOSH, and she kept cutting up all the curtains in Robert's house to make her pretty dresses! It was an excellent movie, though not as entertaining as Stardust (:

We possibly got cheated...

I was walking Nicole to the mrt station & then there was this guy who made us donate like ten bucks for some job application whatever thing. SO ANNOYING. & then there was this other lady who asked us to buy her $2 pen. GAH. So we fled to the mrt real quickly. & I finally got Warriors Starlight :D:D plusplus warriors twilight! yay.

enchanted again?

Got home & watched like nearly four hours of tv. haha, can't believe myself. ANDAND, the 7pm show is really nice :D Okay, I think I'll be watching Enchanted with my mom again, tomorrow. Haha, but I don't mind watching it again, yay (: Oh, if the holidays could slow down ...

So organised :D

Wow, reading this entire post, I feel so good about myself, cause it looks so organised - quite well paragraphed with headings for each one (:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yes! I have plans for the week! Woohoo! It's about time I started really enjoying the holidays! Haha.

Yup, Nicole & I are planning to watch Enchanted! on thursday after training. Going over to my house, bathe & lunch. Then we'll head down to orchard (probably Lido again, or maybe Plaza Sing.) We were trying to check the timings earlier but it's like not shown yet :( It only shows the timings for Wednesday's sneaks.

Gah! I'm having doubts though, about being able to go in the first place. I watched the Beemovie on Saturday & Stardust yesterday. That makes two movies so far, in three days. So if I watch another on thursday, that'd be three movies in six days, which is a little too much :( Okay, in that case, I shall do more words & math, and maybe read my new textbooks? Oh, and pack my luggage. So perhaps there'd be nothing that would keep Dad from saying no :D Goodgoodgood, I feel better now (:

Oh, I think we'll be celebrating Jie's birthday on Friday - dinner, since I'll be going on her birthday, early in the morining. Haha, she was complaining how it was her birthday, and she had to wake up earlyy (to send me off at 7).

&& I started packing last night! Ooh, I love packing :D You have to organise everything and you get to tick a checklist for "to-brings". I love ticking checklists! Come to think of it, I love being organised, though my room tells you I most certainly am not. But anyway, this is all too exciting! (Oopsie... I was supposed to wait for Cheryl before packing but I couldn't resist!)

Nicole Lum, has very helpfully changed my credits to 'The Pooper' and my profile to 'The Sexy Mama'. I would change it right this second, but on second thought, I'd better not - she won't be happy, and I can't afford to make her unhappy after all she's done for me (:

Okay, believe it or not, I'm playing Neopets. Yes, neopets. Goodbye Sims2 and HELLO neopets! Okay, NO! scrape that. I still love Sims2 more. I'm just playing neopets for a change. Okay, I'm just reassuring myself that I'm not one of those people who have turned back to neopets out of desperation. No, I'm not one of them, I refuse! (Sorry Pinkie, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you all my np now :( You got me into THISS!)

Okay, some Bouncy Supreme & then perhaps Icecream Machine? Yay.


Monday, November 19, 2007


Started off the day really late - waking up at a quarter to twelve! Jie & I decided to watch Stardust! (a must see, if you haven't watched it already) at Lido before she had to go for tuition. We were getting pretty late, so Dad offered to send us there (:

We had way way too much popcorn - didn't even finish half of it! (I did say we should have gotten Combo 1!). But the movie was awesome anyway!

[***CAUTION*** There are some parts about the movie below. So if you have not watched Stardust, you may wish to continue reading after the orange section]

Michelle Pfeiffer was ever so cool ;) It was impressive how she could keep becoming older and younger - how her skin wrinkled up like rotten vegetables and a million age spots popped up all over her arms & how her boobs drooped all too suddenly when she used magic. Hahaha!

Captain Shakespeare was funnyyy as well, when he started playing dress-up with all those pink feathery sashes and white, frilly dresses, while his crew was out on the deck fighting, sillyy.

& Yvaine kept glowing when she was with Tristan (awww!).

It was pretty weird how that witch's servant turned out to be not only Una, the princes' long, lost sister, but also Tristan's mother!

The ending was so 'happily ever after' but I liked it to end Cliché, hehe (: I really can't imagine that entire movie put down in words as a book!

After the movie, we took the underpass to Wheelock. I went to Borders like finally. & guess what - Starlight (Warriors: Book 4, second series) was not even in stock! GAHH ><
Yay, but Mum says she'll go with me to Times @ Centrepoint later to get the book, after work (:

Yes, and not forgetting: a big, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy - get on with itt -


one of the last to turn thirteen, but still, FINALLY :D You see, I remembered! I think I shall get your birthday present from Perth! & you can choose (:

Okay, I shall start getting ready to pack ...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome back, Jie!

Julia Thong Wen May has been MIA for three days and two nights and has finally returned home (from Confirmation Camp). A nice, warm welcome home, Jie! & I did miss you.

Yesyesyes!!! Mum bought that nice nike sweater for mee today at Great World (: YAY. Thank you, thank you, Mum! It's so nice and orangey and nice and soft and nice and warm (and nice) ;D

Dad, Mum, Jie and I went to Funan after lunch to replace that bonkus computer in Jie's room. It'll be delivered on Tuesday, together with that totally unnecessary printer. & that means I'll get the laptop all to my self (as it was supposed to be!) Hahaha.

We were going straight over to Porpor's house, and Dad could watch his Masters Cup Finals there, but Jie said she wanted to go home and sleep. So Dad sent Jie back home, and Mum and I figured we'd be late if we went back home with them. That's why we decided to take a 166 to Porpor's place instead.

& all was just fine ... until it started raining like bananas and watermelons. And Mum and I were thinking: Why didn't we take a cabb?! But it was too late, and we had no other choice.

The rain didn't get any lighter as we alighted at Upper Thomson. There were rollings and bolts of thunder and lightning, which, by the way, were scarrryy :0 And we were (very sad to say) stranded on the bus stop. All we had to do, was cross the road, and we'd be pretty safe already. But each time we wanted to cross at the green man, there'd be this flash of lightning, and we'd change our minds and stay put.

Well, we got kind of... impatient. The rain got a teeny, tiny bit lighter. The moment the green man came on, Mum and I made a dash across the road - Mum holding the Times plastic bag over her head, and me holding my uh, hand over my head.

We dried off at Porpor's house & watched the finals. Not very surprisingly, Federer won David Ferrer easily, with a 6-2, 6-3, 6-2 win. Federer recieved that $1.2 million, plus a really sleek Mercedes, sponsored by (of course) Mercedes. & it was so strange, how this Chinese guy translated the English stuff in Chinese and vice versa.

We had dinner + watched some tv together, and then went back home. I guess today was pretty good, though not very eventful. Not-so-good: I didn't get to go to Borders for the third day in a row. HMPH! Good: I got that pretty, pretty, prettyyy nike jackett ;D

So tomorrow, I plan to start planning our (Cheryl & I) plans for Perth trip. Hehehe. Cheryl & I are supposed to pack togetherr, so that nothing goes wrong in our packing... hahaha. Looking forward to Perth, though I'm rather sick of it... but this time, it's with friends!! - totally different (if you get what I mean... hahaha)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

RGP Carnival Day! It was completely different from the previous years - in a good way. There were all these Ezone games like the car game! and the air hockey game!! and that inflated jumpy thing, and the colourful ball room (like the one Ikea used to have). So unfair. Our cip fair was nothing like that, hmph :( All the excitementt :D

So I met up with Annette and Beverly (: Yay, missed you Bev!! (I see you every training, Ann ;D) Bought coupons and tokens (for the games) from Ms Ong, then went to look for Mdm Tng & Mrs Lim. They were both impressed by Bev's "hip & cool" accessories. Hahaha. (Bev was always hip (;)

I lovelovelove air hockeyy! We were like the pro-est, haha, compared to the littler ones. And it was so so short, just the right height for Annette (kidding!). We hung around at the playground enjoying our cool rootbeer floats (little did we know there was a $3 entry fee to the playground. well no one saw us, i think.. haha)

Had some Korean lunch (all three of us sharing that one miserable plate). Changed out of our warm, black class tees, and took a really long time to decide whether to go Bev's house/my house/town. In the end, we finally agreed to take 174 to my place first, and then to town.

Gah, we waited a terribly long time for the bus to come, and when it came, it was WAH! so full. I can't stand all the pushing and shoving and 'excu me! excu me!' from the typical kiasu singaporeans in the bus. It was such a relief to get out! We walked over to Botanic food court and had yummy cheese & mushroom prata (so satisfying!) with curry, of course. Then, over to my house. We decided to catch the 3.05pm Bee Movie at Cineleisure. We were going to book our tickets online but Ann claimed we could get student price tickets.

We took 174 again, and it was really full AGAIN :( Crikey! we were so late already, and dear Ann and Bev were still la-di-dar-di-dar, walking. I was so huangzhang and they just said "Val, it's okay. See, we're so calm!" Hahaha. (Calm meant late..)

We took the lift to level 4 and were lining up (the queue was longg) to buy tickets and food. & when it finally reached our turn, the lady told us there were no student tickets; just the $9.50 one. We looked at our tickets: Level 6.

So we took the escalator up and were walking round and round (all of us were anxious now, we were half an hour late already :0) Where were the theatres?! We approached this guy who worked there and showed him our tickets. And he said "Oh, this one level 6. Must go up one level." And we were thinking "Level 6?! Aren't we on Level 6?" Then, we smart people realised we had only taken one escalator up, and were at Level 5 -.- You must be thinking How stupid can we gett?

Reaching Level 6, we took out our tickets: Theatre 3. We rushed to theatre 3, and not surprisingly, the movie had started. Once again, we fished for our tickets to see what seats we were sitting at. It was all dark but Ann managed to read the faintly printed: K - 20, 21, 22. We followed Ann down the aisle and realised that we were on the other side of row K -.- So we had to walk all the way back and were so distracting (bet everyone wanted to throw popcorn at us).

We finally settled down in our seats. & I just couldn't believe we had to look at our tickets three times before we could get to our seats.

It doesn't pay to be so calm!

Yes, although we were sooo late for the movie, we still had a great time without doubt, like we always do (: We took neos, which turned out disastrously, as we were so unconscious of the time & I didn't finish writing :( Then, we had tea at Subway, before leaving.

Thanks Ann & Bev for this lovely day (: It was well worth spent with you guys (though we would have had plenty more fun if Po and Son had joined us. GAH! Po's family meeting? & Son's 1.30 - 6.30 tuition?! <-- she had got to be kidding.)

& Great, big Spankyou to NicLummie for helping me get a song for my blog (: Craig David forever! And Spanks for putting a chatbox and helping me change all the headings (though I still haven't learnt how to do all this by myself, since you helped me do it all!)

Shanghai Masters Cup: Ferrer thrashed Roddick 6-1, 6-3 :0 --- byebye Roddick :(

I thought we were close at heart;
but it seems we're miles apart.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hello I'm Lisa here :D Heehee I just helped Valerie Thongalongalong do up her blogskin so I decided to drop by and say hi :)

Hi! :D

Okay Vallo Jello you listen to me ahzzzz, go to TEMPLATE, and look for the part where it says ALL ABOUT ME. Then under there's "Write more about yourself here :)", you can replace this with information about yourself ;) Like your interests and hobbies and school and cca and wtv. Orrrrr, the things you like, LIKE ME! :D Teehee. Or you just write one line -I love Lisa Koh and end it there. Hoho. Okay kidding. Yes, then for your LINKS, in the part, you replace blogname with the blog url of whoever you want to link, and you put the person who want to link's name in the NAME part :) If you have any other questions...


Hahahaha! Okay okay I'll go now -.- You go girl! Have a happy period! HAHAHAHA ZOMG I'M SO FUNNY I CAN'T STAND MYSELF. Joke joke.


New blogskin!

Whooo! Big thank you to Nic Lummie (for helping me find my perfect blogskin :D) and Lisa (for helping me put the blogskin :) and teaching me to link, though I still don't get it)!

Yes, so training today. I guess it was okay - way better than tuesday's, at least. The last physical part - the touch net back paddle & hop, hop, hop sprint thing was funner and better than tuesday's one, haha :)

Rushed back home to shower and grabbed some lunch, and then chinese tuition. I was in quite a bad mood, and lao shi noticed :0 It (my horrible mood) only disappeared when we started talking about pets, especially dogs. And lao shi was so shocked :0 She kept turning her head back and forth to each of us, and putting her hand over her mouth (which was gaping open), and saying "zhen de ah?" Nicole was telling lao shi how female dogs have their period too, and that they wear diapers when they have their period. And lao shi was all, "Har?! Then what about all those stray cats and dogs?" - meaning wouldn't there be blood and stuff all over the void decks of HDBs. Hahaha, lao shi, you really make me laugh :D

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

new blog (:

Okay, so first things first, I have to thank Lisa & Kelly for giving me inspiration. Yeah, cause if not for you two, I would not have created this blog (: I dedicated my entire afternoon today, to reading your blogs, and am proud to say, I finished reading them! Woohoo, I feel oh so accomplished :D (yes, that's how bored I am at home)

Anyway, I'm trying to get a nice blogskin (and I don't know how), Lisa is supposed to teach me about this blogging stuff, cause I am one lost sheep with this thing. However, she is busy at the moment, patching up a relationship..

I am currently hooked on Warriors - The New Prophecy :) love itt! Okay shoot, it's already 11.30. EKK. I'm waking up at seven for training tomorrow!! Nooooo. That's less than eight hours of beauty sleep. And after that is chinese tuition :( Okay, I'm off to bed now.