Friday, December 21, 2007

back from shanghai


Okay, I shall talk about Shanghai -

Yup, it's winter there now - COLDDDD. brrrr.

& I so need to report this: Shanghai is like ultra dirty. and dusty. All the cars were coated with layers and layers of dust - GROSS :( & the people there kahpui-ed all over the streets. Plus, their roads are so disorganised - cars, motorbikes, bicycles and people, all moving together on the roads. And all these were supposedly much better improved than before. That just makes me wonder how much worse it could have been..

Besides that, I guess there's nothing else bad about the place. All their famous places for tourists to visit were really nice (at least those areas were cleaner) like their gardens and water villages and the Bund.

But whatever. It sure is great to be back in Singapore (: (except it's frickin HOTTAAA :O)

Oh yes. I bought souvenirs for the clique :D (they're all pretty cheena but I was in China so sorry if they're not your kind of thing, hahaha.) And WHAT THE. YOU GUYS ARE GOING SENTOSA TOMORROW?! - I doubt I can go :(:( I got that from Lisa's blog (I read every post I missed (: ) - & speaking of chrismas cards, I'm not done with mine :O

Oh dear. Is it too late to send them?? I'm so dead. Only finished SIX :O Whatever, I'm still sending them. Better late than never right? Whoopsiedoo. I forgot about addresses. Okay, I'd better finish up with my cards FAST.

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