Wednesday, December 5, 2007

THE JOY. Come, sing, rejoice with me!

Val's done with math homeworkeee (: Finally. One of the lasts to complete it but heck, what matters is that it's done and I can probably put it away till the end of the holidays (except I got like four questions wrong :O - I think it's the answers..) & I used only 9 sheets of fullscap! (considering I squeezed & squashed my working, but it's still pretty neat anyhow!)

Though it's such a depressing day (not me, it's the weather), I am unusually free, floating, joyous HAPPY (: I guess it's the feeling-accomplished sort of happy, which often disappears as quick as it comes. LIKE ZAP! & now, I feel the happiness slurped out of me, zipped-zapped and a POOF! --- gone. Hah, oh well. I guess I shall have to think of more self-satisfying jobs to do to get that wondrous feeling back in me (;

Oh yes, one more accomplishment, though not as big as math - completed book: Warriors - Starlight, my love. What a great ending.. Mudclaw - DEAD! & what's more, he didn't die as a loyal warrior, fighting to his death to protect his clan. Oh no, he died more spectacularly in fact - struck by lightning (indirectly). I never liked him - that rude, ignorant, power-thirsty brat of a cat >:( & wow, I never thought Leafpool + Crowfeather clicked a bit! Who would have guessed. Such a pity, pity, pity - Leafpool being a medicine cat (can't get into that sort of relationship) & an excellent one, too.

Okay now, on to Warriors: Twilight. & I'd better get Sunset quick. Can't wait for the new series! the Power of Three :D

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