Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today's events are as follows (quite uneventful, but whatever): raining


Okay, I guess training was okay... Spent most of it learning dropshot - which up to now, I still cannot do backhand dropshot :( at least I can do forehand (: I just learnt that all this while, my backhand volley's been WRONG :O oh no, oh no! I think I swing my racquet too back or something... Okay training was not thattt bad, considering we didn't have too much physical :) & coach let us off 15 minutes early! (incredible!)

& we were bugged (literally) in training

What bugged us this morning was the BUG ATTACK. Bees, moths, mosquitoes, fleas, ants, whatever bug: You name it, We saw it. During waterbreak, we were slapping our thighs and arms, and stamping on bugs (EW!). & while we were lining up for our drills, we were moving our feet so much, and we looked so on the go mann, when in fact, we were trying to keep those mozzies away. Yes, we were still getting bitten despite those layers of insect repellant on our skin that Ms Chua made us put :(

First row seats not necessarily = neck cramp

Nicole & I had lunch at botanic foodcourt & then went up to my house to bathe. & that's where nicole's hair got stuck in the hairbrush and she was yanking it off her scalp :O but she's fine now, no worries (: And when we checked the seats, the whole cinema was practically booked up except for some seats in the first 3 rows from the screen. & in the end, we ended up getting first row seats, which weren't as bad as I thought they'd be, cause there was a nice seat to lean your head on (;

FreeOfCharge chessy hotdogg!

We were actually on time for the movie! Wow. & it was so cool, we got something from the scratch & win thing. Like I have never won anything at all, usually the: Sorry, you have not won any prize, thank you for participating... But this time it said: you have a *FREE* cheesy hotdog! I thought it was so cool, although it was only a $2 thing :D & we shared it (:


AHHHH. ENCHANTED WAS WONNDERRRFULLL :D:D It's ultra funnnyyy (: especially with Nicole sitting next to you :D she laughed at eveyrthing. Even the not-really-funny parts. HAHAHA, but it was comical. I CAN'T stand that touch of your lips first kiss whatever song. Though, it made everyone laugh, it was driving me nutss. HAHA. & the part when Robert and Giselle were in the park & she started singing her song, and everyone in the park joined in too, and it was like a huge parade! GOSH, and she kept cutting up all the curtains in Robert's house to make her pretty dresses! It was an excellent movie, though not as entertaining as Stardust (:

We possibly got cheated...

I was walking Nicole to the mrt station & then there was this guy who made us donate like ten bucks for some job application whatever thing. SO ANNOYING. & then there was this other lady who asked us to buy her $2 pen. GAH. So we fled to the mrt real quickly. & I finally got Warriors Starlight :D:D plusplus warriors twilight! yay.

enchanted again?

Got home & watched like nearly four hours of tv. haha, can't believe myself. ANDAND, the 7pm show is really nice :D Okay, I think I'll be watching Enchanted with my mom again, tomorrow. Haha, but I don't mind watching it again, yay (: Oh, if the holidays could slow down ...

So organised :D

Wow, reading this entire post, I feel so good about myself, cause it looks so organised - quite well paragraphed with headings for each one (:

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