Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yes! I have plans for the week! Woohoo! It's about time I started really enjoying the holidays! Haha.

Yup, Nicole & I are planning to watch Enchanted! on thursday after training. Going over to my house, bathe & lunch. Then we'll head down to orchard (probably Lido again, or maybe Plaza Sing.) We were trying to check the timings earlier but it's like not shown yet :( It only shows the timings for Wednesday's sneaks.

Gah! I'm having doubts though, about being able to go in the first place. I watched the Beemovie on Saturday & Stardust yesterday. That makes two movies so far, in three days. So if I watch another on thursday, that'd be three movies in six days, which is a little too much :( Okay, in that case, I shall do more words & math, and maybe read my new textbooks? Oh, and pack my luggage. So perhaps there'd be nothing that would keep Dad from saying no :D Goodgoodgood, I feel better now (:

Oh, I think we'll be celebrating Jie's birthday on Friday - dinner, since I'll be going on her birthday, early in the morining. Haha, she was complaining how it was her birthday, and she had to wake up earlyy (to send me off at 7).

&& I started packing last night! Ooh, I love packing :D You have to organise everything and you get to tick a checklist for "to-brings". I love ticking checklists! Come to think of it, I love being organised, though my room tells you I most certainly am not. But anyway, this is all too exciting! (Oopsie... I was supposed to wait for Cheryl before packing but I couldn't resist!)

Nicole Lum, has very helpfully changed my credits to 'The Pooper' and my profile to 'The Sexy Mama'. I would change it right this second, but on second thought, I'd better not - she won't be happy, and I can't afford to make her unhappy after all she's done for me (:

Okay, believe it or not, I'm playing Neopets. Yes, neopets. Goodbye Sims2 and HELLO neopets! Okay, NO! scrape that. I still love Sims2 more. I'm just playing neopets for a change. Okay, I'm just reassuring myself that I'm not one of those people who have turned back to neopets out of desperation. No, I'm not one of them, I refuse! (Sorry Pinkie, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you all my np now :( You got me into THISS!)

Okay, some Bouncy Supreme & then perhaps Icecream Machine? Yay.


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