Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome back, Jie!

Julia Thong Wen May has been MIA for three days and two nights and has finally returned home (from Confirmation Camp). A nice, warm welcome home, Jie! & I did miss you.

Yesyesyes!!! Mum bought that nice nike sweater for mee today at Great World (: YAY. Thank you, thank you, Mum! It's so nice and orangey and nice and soft and nice and warm (and nice) ;D

Dad, Mum, Jie and I went to Funan after lunch to replace that bonkus computer in Jie's room. It'll be delivered on Tuesday, together with that totally unnecessary printer. & that means I'll get the laptop all to my self (as it was supposed to be!) Hahaha.

We were going straight over to Porpor's house, and Dad could watch his Masters Cup Finals there, but Jie said she wanted to go home and sleep. So Dad sent Jie back home, and Mum and I figured we'd be late if we went back home with them. That's why we decided to take a 166 to Porpor's place instead.

& all was just fine ... until it started raining like bananas and watermelons. And Mum and I were thinking: Why didn't we take a cabb?! But it was too late, and we had no other choice.

The rain didn't get any lighter as we alighted at Upper Thomson. There were rollings and bolts of thunder and lightning, which, by the way, were scarrryy :0 And we were (very sad to say) stranded on the bus stop. All we had to do, was cross the road, and we'd be pretty safe already. But each time we wanted to cross at the green man, there'd be this flash of lightning, and we'd change our minds and stay put.

Well, we got kind of... impatient. The rain got a teeny, tiny bit lighter. The moment the green man came on, Mum and I made a dash across the road - Mum holding the Times plastic bag over her head, and me holding my uh, hand over my head.

We dried off at Porpor's house & watched the finals. Not very surprisingly, Federer won David Ferrer easily, with a 6-2, 6-3, 6-2 win. Federer recieved that $1.2 million, plus a really sleek Mercedes, sponsored by (of course) Mercedes. & it was so strange, how this Chinese guy translated the English stuff in Chinese and vice versa.

We had dinner + watched some tv together, and then went back home. I guess today was pretty good, though not very eventful. Not-so-good: I didn't get to go to Borders for the third day in a row. HMPH! Good: I got that pretty, pretty, prettyyy nike jackett ;D

So tomorrow, I plan to start planning our (Cheryl & I) plans for Perth trip. Hehehe. Cheryl & I are supposed to pack togetherr, so that nothing goes wrong in our packing... hahaha. Looking forward to Perth, though I'm rather sick of it... but this time, it's with friends!! - totally different (if you get what I mean... hahaha)

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