Tuesday, December 25, 2007





Hey, hey, hey everyone! It's THE DAY, the day we've all been waiting for!

I'd just like to say a great, big, ginormous, fantastic, wonderful, delightful, enjoyable, awesome, lovely, spectacular, beautiful


Wheeeeee! So, so, so excitingggg... Waiting for the guests to arrive! & I'm coughing cause of all the funny(but yummy)-smelling mixture of all the delicious [FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD!]

It's such a pretty day! When I look out of my window at botanicgardens, I see many malay and indian people who are hopefully enjoying this bright, sunny day! Hahaha, guess they aren't Christians.

Last night, we were supposed to go for midnight mass at St. Ignatius. But my sister and I were so against it, cause we wanted to go to our own parish - ST. BERNADETTE!! We were having dinner at crystal jade (Holland V.) at like 10.30, and then I (VERY SMARTLY) went to call up 100 and asked for the st. ignatius number. & guess what? Turned out christmas mass on christmas eve was 8.30pm and 11pm. Yes, so we got our wish! To St. Bernadette's it was :D (thank you, thank you, it's all thanks to mua! kidding..) We were enterntained by the children's caroling and that solo girl was pretty good - the all I want for christmas is you song. Went back home to open christmas presents and finally turned in at three.


Party's over, folks :( Christmas at our place was lovely, though I'm still really used to christmas at Porpor's. The "kids" (most are above 12) were like playing boardgames in my room, while the adults were (I don't know what they were doing, cause we were too caught up in our life) I guess, doing whatever adults do. After our game of life (which was sooooo funnnyyy and jie won >:( whateverr), it was kid's lunch (the adults eat first), and then opening presents timeee (: Pretty much to my satisfaction, I received new brown birks, wallet, women's secret floral bag (I use? haha...), books, vouchers, don't remember what else..

Had dinner downstairs earlier, and am watching CLICK which is really funny and not to mention beyond weird. Hate the part when it all turns out to be a dream, but it's true they couldn't leave it ending so terribly. Whatever it is, the show's real good. Still have Devil Wears Prada <3.

Aww man. I'm so sad, I just saw the cable tv clock; it says 00:00 :( nooooo, christmas is over. Wow, just a mere 365 days to the next christmas. But true enough, despite the fact that that was said in sarcasm, I bet christmas will be here again practically tomorrow, just how it feels like each year. Still, thinking about all this,

WHYWHYWHY? Why must time whizzz past ever so fast? We don't even have the time to remember, to store those happy memories in our heads, before it's all taken away from us, before it's all over! School's starting in a week, and I'm one unhappy kid. I mean, just look at it this way, and maybe you'll understand;

We've been lighting up the pretty-in-purple advent candles at each eucharistic celebration for the past month, looking forward to christmas since - forever, putting up the gorgeous christmas tree, doing christmas shopping, wrapping gifts really beautifully, preparing everything for sooo long! And now, after 24 fun-filled BUT short hours, christmas is gone? Yes, I know there are 12 days of Christmas. But 25 December is officially over! Right now, it's the 26th!

If only Christmas day lasted 9829734089145 hours :) That'd be really wonderful. But it's not, so I'm just moving on, getting over the 'horribleness' of it all, accepting the saddenning fact, that christmas is O.V.E.R. Though thinking about it now, when I feel slightly calmer, I realise what I really don't want to be over was that lovely family gathering, when all of us were together, all happy-happy.

To those who were in good moods before reading this: Sorry I might have destroyed that mood, and left a dark, black, overhanging cloud above your heads.

And to those who were in not-so-great moods: Sorry if I had taken away what little happiness was in you, and it's nice to know there are some who feel the same way.


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