Sunday, December 9, 2007

i am not in a very blogging mood now.
i shall keep this one really simplified.
i shall type in randomly whatever comes to my mind.
i love porpor forever & ever.
i need to find my place in this world.
i feel like weaving.
i am trying to make myself look forward to shanghai.
i can't wait for christmas.
i don't like the weather now.
i hope jiejie recovers soon.
i realise i am in a thinking-about-thinking mood...
ooh! i just realised i started every line with an 'i'
AHH. except that one, and this one!
i am making myself weird.
i wish for peace and love especially in the season of christmas.

i am sorry if the colours annoyed you.
i just felt like brightening this boring post.

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