Tuesday, January 1, 2008


we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmassss ...


Happy O8' all! May this year be filled with love, peace, joy and all the good things (:

Whooo, yesterday's nye party was great! Well the exciting part was blackjack but on the whole it was okay (: I lost seven bucks, not that bad. Aunty Sunita lost nearly eighty bucks. Hahaha.

Gosh, I can't believe 2007 is gone. I can't believe I'll be waking up at six tomorrow. I can't believe that in approximately 18 hours, I'll be in school, in our new classroom :O

Well it's a whole new year! Say goodbye to the old, and a big HELLO to the new! I've been clearing up my room the whole morning (eh not quite, seeing as I woke up at 10.30). But still, I feel so good. I threw away tons and tons and tons of junk that I could not bear to throw away before, I'm giving away all my primary school books (finally!), I've been filing up all my stray worksheets and whatever papers, and I still have quite a bit to go. But I'm still real proud of myself for clearing three whole shelves of books and junk! What a great start to the new year!

I have been trying to access lead portal to get the new timetable but it just won't let me >:( Maybe if i had tried on the 29th, I could have got it. But I forgot to. And when I tried yesterday, it said that lead was under an annual maintenance on the 30th and 31st. So okay, I thought, I'd try again the next day. And so today I try, and the stupid thing tells me I can only access lead in school?! Super annoying. I'll have to call up someone and ask them to tell me what stuff to bring tomorrow.

Okay, and since it's a new year, I guess I'll have to make my new year resolution soon, so I'll give it go here (in yellow to represent the bright and happy yay yay yay year O8 is gonna be!)

1. Clear my room and maintain the neatness and tidiness of it all
2. Control my life!
3. Study hard (:
4. Be really organised
5. Plan ahead
6. Be responsible
7. Be a nice and good person (:
8. Love everyone

Okay, that's all I have for now. I'll update when I think of more.

And now, back to major room clearing/cleaning!

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