Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It rained today. Again. I just finished my colonialism essay! Yay, tomorrow's gonna be a nice day :) HHF, OM, chinese, CME, english, EP and AEP :D That's just 3 periods for the ENTIRE day of real real studying!

AHHHH! I just jumped out of my skin when that AHHHH! pigeon flapped its wings so hard and loud at my window sill :O It was just approximately 55 centimetres away from me! And it stared at me, and I stared back, and we shared this freaky chemistry - eye-to-eye thing! SO SCARY! I'm so traumatised! Oh! Speaking of traumatised, what was way more traumatising was that eww eww eww video we watched during english class. AHHHHH! (when I say AHHHH, I'm really shouting it in my head) It was so icky and gross and freaky and icky and gross and yucky! AHAH! Speaking of YUCKY!, mr jiow was AHHHH! so unbearably lame (yet funny) today. Gosh, can't stand it. He was saying: when you do your number two, ... And everyone was What's number two? And he had to stop and explain it so specifically - 1 is a liquid, and 2 is solid. 3 is semi, and 6 and a half... HAHAHAHA! He didn't want to tell us. But anyway, back to the lesson. So he was imitating, or rather guessing how sarah would be 'reflecting' on the toilet bowl on where her number 2 goes after flushing. And then, after drama class, when sarah, nut, pinky and I were walking back to class, mr jiow passed us and said: Oh! Hi reflective friends! and everyone was laughing, while i was like Huh? Okay I was slow, but then again, I always am :(

Today was really quite an exciting day :) OHOH. I forgot to talk about drama! Everyone acted so so so well! Let me write down the real BRILLIANT drama mamazz: nut, shi pei, and chin yen. And jasmine was simply unbelievable! Great job you guys! Keep it that way for the drama observation! Hahaha. Oh yeah, and at first everyone thought we were going to hongkong when actually the hong kong people were coming over. Hahaha.

I'm aware that my post today is super jumbled up, so disorganised. TSK. No choice! Shou zu started already! Bye :D

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