Friday, January 25, 2008

What a busy school week! I tell you, every day when I got home this week, I'd bathe, have dinner and attempt to multi-task - homeworking + sleeping. So that gives me plenty of reason to watch australian open now (FEDERER and DJOKOVIC! - superduper exciting!), though I've got so muchmuch homework :) Really, this year's aus open is freakay because: -

  1. Sharapova beat Henin easy peasy &
  2. Nadal was very strangely beaten by some unseeded French (Tsonga, if I'm not wrong) :O

Next thing you know, Djokovic beats Federer! HAHAHA. No way. No matter how humorous (and cute) Djokovic is, Federer has GOT to win.

I'm such a binge :O Chinese new year's a week (or two) away, and I've already started on them goodies. Yikes! And no one seems to be stopping me.

Sort of like this week, I have a feeling next week's gonna suck too :(

  1. Monday - aep presentation :O
  2. Wednesday - aep thingy due :O :O
  3. Thursday - Physical Test :X :X :X

But there are things I'm looking forward to next week..

  1. Monday - CNY banner painting :D
  2. Wednesday - Oh, how I love birthdays :D LISAkohyiwen turns 14 ;D
  3. Friday - Science outing - cloning of plants :)

I dread and look forward to tomorrow. dread the afternoon, can't wait for the night :D


Haiz. So many things to do. I'd better put them down so I don't forget;

  1. English - vocabulary & comprehension
  2. Chinese - learn tingxie
  3. Geog - water supply w/s
  4. Lit - The Knife
  5. AEP - that thing
  6. Drama - write journal
  7. Tennis - RUN at botanic. *impt*

That's about it (I hope..)

I wished I had that remote control in Click. Fast forwardd >>> all the way to tomorrow at 6.30pm. But unfortunately, it ceases to exist :( :(

Despite those unhappy things this week, I will make myself forget them all, ready for the new week :)

& I can't believe I was - <-- this close to being late for school today. Blame it on my loose socks, which I have thankfully disposed, so they weren't cause me trouble again HMPH >:)

So about today ---

Today was good :) (besides that ERGGH thing in the back of my mind) Yes.

Geog was SUPERDEE FUNNAYYY ;D;D (damn funny, until cannot funny - Lisa's catchphrase lol. Later, I shall put down all Lisa's catchphrases! Haha) Chien Wen's evil laugh was so convincing (& shocking!), and Grace was awesome at improvising her funny lines!

PE was quite fun too :) We tried softball - just throw&catching for 10 minutes. But it was still fun :) Chinese was okay. I think chinese lessons are like the most qing song lessons nowadays :) Math was normal and OM was FUN :D Mrs Yap didn't come again (Lisa & Grace claim she's got a weekly disease, hahaha) But we used our time wisely - talking about necessary things (such as what to get Lisa for her birthday, where Laura very smartly repeated her question thrice:- Val, where did you get your ear rings from? with Lisa sitting directly oppisite her. haha. And she was so confused when Grace gave her a huge slap on the thigh under the desk, HAHA!)

And then I had lunch with Laura and Sarah and Pearlene and Natasha. We all had roti john, hehe. Went to the interchange with Pearlene :) And I've been watching tennis since then :D

OH MY GOSH. Federer is so losing :O 7-5, 5-1 now. GASP. This cannot be happening. Federer? Losing? SCARY.

omg. that woman just called. as if i haven't been reminded of it enough


  1. I am smart and cool and cool and smart.
  2. I am too kewl for school.
  3. Damn xyz until cannot xyz

That's all for today folks ;D Tune in next time for more "LISA'S CATCH PHRASES"!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It rained today. Again. I just finished my colonialism essay! Yay, tomorrow's gonna be a nice day :) HHF, OM, chinese, CME, english, EP and AEP :D That's just 3 periods for the ENTIRE day of real real studying!

AHHHH! I just jumped out of my skin when that AHHHH! pigeon flapped its wings so hard and loud at my window sill :O It was just approximately 55 centimetres away from me! And it stared at me, and I stared back, and we shared this freaky chemistry - eye-to-eye thing! SO SCARY! I'm so traumatised! Oh! Speaking of traumatised, what was way more traumatising was that eww eww eww video we watched during english class. AHHHHH! (when I say AHHHH, I'm really shouting it in my head) It was so icky and gross and freaky and icky and gross and yucky! AHAH! Speaking of YUCKY!, mr jiow was AHHHH! so unbearably lame (yet funny) today. Gosh, can't stand it. He was saying: when you do your number two, ... And everyone was What's number two? And he had to stop and explain it so specifically - 1 is a liquid, and 2 is solid. 3 is semi, and 6 and a half... HAHAHAHA! He didn't want to tell us. But anyway, back to the lesson. So he was imitating, or rather guessing how sarah would be 'reflecting' on the toilet bowl on where her number 2 goes after flushing. And then, after drama class, when sarah, nut, pinky and I were walking back to class, mr jiow passed us and said: Oh! Hi reflective friends! and everyone was laughing, while i was like Huh? Okay I was slow, but then again, I always am :(

Today was really quite an exciting day :) OHOH. I forgot to talk about drama! Everyone acted so so so well! Let me write down the real BRILLIANT drama mamazz: nut, shi pei, and chin yen. And jasmine was simply unbelievable! Great job you guys! Keep it that way for the drama observation! Hahaha. Oh yeah, and at first everyone thought we were going to hongkong when actually the hong kong people were coming over. Hahaha.

I'm aware that my post today is super jumbled up, so disorganised. TSK. No choice! Shou zu started already! Bye :D

Monday, January 14, 2008

YOU MADE MY BLACK DAY - sung to the tune of 'Bad Day'

You made my black day,
it's hard to forget
you pierced through my heart
why, you left it to bleed

It's hard to begin
I have to explain
But can't bring myself to
tell you the whole truth

You made my black day
You don't understand
You walk through your life,
and lack feelings for friends

You made my black day
You made my black day

Express your anger, sadness and unhappiness in a song or poem :D This way, it kills two birds with one stone (yi ju liang de [: ). It not only helps your english (by writing songs), it also enables you to have a *TOP SECRET* language/code with yourself! How incredible is that!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Believe it or not, the reason why I haven't been posting daily is because of school. Yes (the horror!). Whoever thought we'd be busy on the first week of school? (I know everyone is busy too but I'm at least above 'busy average', haha) Well, I would like to make my list of to-dos here, but I'm guessing everyone would be snoring by the time they finish reading. So I'm saving you all that trouble (you're most welcome!) only because I'm so caring, that I'm (indirectly) helping you get that 8 hours minimum, of sleep a day :) (therefore, reading unnecessarily is one cause of those big black rings around your eyes)

Today's just the 5th school day of the year, and gosh, I feel like I've been living there forever. Everything has just slipped back into the usual routine (I actually got used to the getting up early). But I still think it's so cool that we're not sec ones anymore! - which means, we get the second floor classroom and our class doesn't have to sit right in front during assembly (saves us neck cramps!)

Okay, actually I just wanted to drop in and say BOO! so that people won't think I deserted my blog, but I ended up typing out this. I aim to sleep by eleven every night. And in order for that to happen, I'll have to use my precious time wisely :) I guess that means less blogging time :( But but, I could update it often but spend less time each time :D

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Just had english project. Our boards are so pretty, and you can't deny that (: Lisa's J.K. ROWLING looks like those super perfect letters that are pasted on cards to teach kindergarden children the alphabets (: My sister read it, and the first thing she said was: huh? what's teasy and enjoyable?! HAHA! It does look like teasy!

I shall not complain about all the things I have to do, and instead be thankful for the things I don't have to do (: It makes sense, actually..

I will not dwell on the past.
I will not think about the bad.
I shall focus on the goodness.
I shall be optimistic (:

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I AM SEC TWO! exciting? let's talk about it

First Day of Secondary TWO!

Oh, the sweet joy of not being the little juniors. Eh! We're the cool people okay, don't play play.

Also, the bitter unjoyfullness of sec two streaming :O (No play play here either) Well, least there aren't CAs.

So the early part of the morning was spent with Mrs Lee, as she gave us her principal talk. Our theme of the year is Gaining the Knowledge, Living the Experience.

I was looking forward to our new school diary that had stickers! in it :D But they haven't called our class to collect them yet :(

Okay, I'm actually quite happy with (nearly) all our teachers. Our history teacher seems like a good and professional one, our english relief seems really cheerful and a good teacher too, Mrs Wong, I'm very satisfied with for Maths, Mrs Tan A.L., definitely a good science teacher... Yay, I love our teachers (:

Hey, you know what? I think I'm looking forward to school! ..or most of it at least (:

Training tomorrow, I hope I'll be fine! Gosh, there's loads to bring tomorrow (plus my racquet and tumbler).

- I don't have a place, and I blame myself - I screwed it up, and now I have to do it up.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmassss ...


Happy O8' all! May this year be filled with love, peace, joy and all the good things (:

Whooo, yesterday's nye party was great! Well the exciting part was blackjack but on the whole it was okay (: I lost seven bucks, not that bad. Aunty Sunita lost nearly eighty bucks. Hahaha.

Gosh, I can't believe 2007 is gone. I can't believe I'll be waking up at six tomorrow. I can't believe that in approximately 18 hours, I'll be in school, in our new classroom :O

Well it's a whole new year! Say goodbye to the old, and a big HELLO to the new! I've been clearing up my room the whole morning (eh not quite, seeing as I woke up at 10.30). But still, I feel so good. I threw away tons and tons and tons of junk that I could not bear to throw away before, I'm giving away all my primary school books (finally!), I've been filing up all my stray worksheets and whatever papers, and I still have quite a bit to go. But I'm still real proud of myself for clearing three whole shelves of books and junk! What a great start to the new year!

I have been trying to access lead portal to get the new timetable but it just won't let me >:( Maybe if i had tried on the 29th, I could have got it. But I forgot to. And when I tried yesterday, it said that lead was under an annual maintenance on the 30th and 31st. So okay, I thought, I'd try again the next day. And so today I try, and the stupid thing tells me I can only access lead in school?! Super annoying. I'll have to call up someone and ask them to tell me what stuff to bring tomorrow.

Okay, and since it's a new year, I guess I'll have to make my new year resolution soon, so I'll give it go here (in yellow to represent the bright and happy yay yay yay year O8 is gonna be!)

1. Clear my room and maintain the neatness and tidiness of it all
2. Control my life!
3. Study hard (:
4. Be really organised
5. Plan ahead
6. Be responsible
7. Be a nice and good person (:
8. Love everyone

Okay, that's all I have for now. I'll update when I think of more.

And now, back to major room clearing/cleaning!