Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm blogging again :) i don't feel guilty blogging now cause we've practically got ourselves a holiday - friday, saturday, sunday & monday! though friday isn't exactly a holiday - but no lessons! which = to no thinking :) i think tomorrow will be fun :) youth day celebs! grouped up with lisa and grace <33 so sad laura won't be able to come though :( she's got competition :O i hope she runs faster than the fastest typhoon!

anyway, today was a boring day. school was quite boring. chinese was kind of scary, cause lao shi scolded us quite seriously. geog was okay, we basically just did research in the com lab (by the way ms soh gets on my nerves >:[ ) english was quite funny actually, the mr brown show is damn funny xD lit was normal. math was okay. and science was quite fun :) i love my science partner :) i'm so glad to have such fun science and chinese partners cause they make me look forward to those lessons :) i love ashlay and laura (K!) <33

during math today, mrs wong told us about tutoring the p4s math. i was super excited cause i love teaching people math :) it's the only thing i can teach :) but i have stupid stupid stupid training every wednesday. but i don't care :) i'll just tell my teacher i/c that it's sort of compulsory and that i really want to help those p4s (which i do :D). besides, we're not having any tournament whatsoever so it should be fine :) yay. i can't wait. i hope my student is really adorable and obedient ;) then i can look forward to that 45-minute lesson every wednesday whee :)

this is what i have to complete by monday:-
  1. english yellow file - pg 65 & 66
  2. english vocab - 2 sports news articles
  3. math lesson 5 - last 3 qns
  4. math homework 5
  5. math revision exercise
  6. geog research =.=
  7. aep - draw 10 sketches of "IJ Spirit" =.= =.=(shit. by saturday morning)
  8. aep - finish the other 2 sketches of my scissors - animated & changing scale + purpose
  9. aep - improve on final sa1 piece -.-

Yes, i'm cleaning up my room :D I just started my major "CLEAN & CLEAR" (NO, not the facial wash -.- it's cleaning my room - like wiping up all dust/dirt/undesirable substances, and clearing my room - getting rid of all unnecessary rubbish) and this time, it's going to work! i only started on tuesday. i took nearly 3 hours to clean & clear up this really tiny area of my room - just this tiny desk beside my bed which has miraculously accumulated an entire dustbin full of junk and rubbish. yup, i don't know how and i don't know why, i took 3 hours to clear that tiny thing. it was seriously full of all sorts of weird objects. like my really weird collections of random objects, including coffee beans, differently shaped and coloured sequins, all kinds of beads, crumpled receipts stuffed into the corners of the drawers, a golf ball, 4 sharpeners, clips and hair ties, primary 5 blank excursion forms, and goodness knows what else. so after clearing up all that and stuffing it into the bin, i was honestly so so so proud of myself :D:D heehee. so now, i've drawn up an entire clean & clear plan :) i have split my room up into 6 stations. so every day i'll pick a station to work on :) and in no time (i hope), my room will be sparkingly clean :D yay, i can't wait! maybe i'll have an opening ceremony to my new-and-improved clean & clear room :)

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