Monday, May 19, 2008

I haven't blogged for ages. & since it's vesak day today, I will but I'll keep it brief (:

Friday 16/5 IJ FIESTA/SPIRIT DAY :D it was really really fun, especially because our haunted house was the best (: I didn't expect our visitors to come out crying though. I thought they'd just be thrilled? But I guess that's just how great we were haha. I think the haunted house made plenty of monayy (: & maybe, just maybe, our class will win the "FURR-REEE CHALET". hahaha.

Saturday 17/5 Woke up at 8.30 :O We were running really late for Godma & Godpa's 20th anniversary/renewal of marriage vows. But still managed to get there before the 'bride & groom' at 9.05 (: It was a really hot day. (in fact, it's been terribly hot these past few days) the aircon in the blessed sacrament church wasn't really helping either. Jie & I helped Aunty Sunita with the presents & giving out mass booklets (: Jon sang some solo verses, Bryan read the first reading & julianne (was soo cute when she) sang the gospel acclamation. After mass, we had lunch & erm entertainment? haha. Jon, Bryan & Julianne were so sweet when they said their speech/dedication thing :') The Nonya cusine was yummyy :D Jie & I had to skip dessert (or at least I did) cause we had to give out door gifts to the leaving people. I loved this day & Godma + Godpa are such a loving couple :')

Sunday 18/5 I keep waking up incredibly late nowadays. Record of 10.50 :O AHHhh. I was very late for mass (which starts at 11) Can't believe mum didn't bother to wake me up >:( After that, lunch at great world, watched Made of Honour (which was quite funny, but the storyline was kind of predictable), bought Kelly's present, then went to play tennis with Jie (: Rushed back home to bathe, before dinner @ thomson plaza's peach garden with grand uncles & aunties from malaysia. Dinner was good & I was very hungry too. Then went back to Porpor's house & watched the Thomas Cup & dunno what tennis claycourt Cup finals (: Aiya, Federer lost to Nadal on clay, no surprises. Went home deadbeat & slept at 2. which is probably the reason why on

Monday 19/5 (or today), I ended waking up at 11. Urgh. Don't know how I'm gonna wake up at 6 tomorrow haha. Anyway, I think I'm supposed to go Wheelock now with mum & then tennis with dad in the evening? I'm lazyyy. & how come gossipgirl epi 18 stilllll isn't outtt :( If you were wondering why I'm suddenly stuck on gg, ask Lisa hahaha.

& that was my not-so-brief post. It's so hotttt >:( going wheelock now ): AIRCONNN :D

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

i don't like today.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Okay, science was pretty demoralising, and my handwriting was worse than ever. I've got so many wrong already :( But I shall try to forget that first.

It's so windy and cold now. And I'm sleepy.

Still can't believe I screwed up yet another paper >:[

But whatever manzzz. Lit's tomorrow & I need to studay.

Growl. Today was not a good day :'(

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yesterday was a pretty nice day :) History paper was alright. & breakfast with Lisa, Laura, Grace & Pearlene was fun & funny. Hahaha. I can now eat hotcakes more efficiently with Lisa's oh-so-cool theory of cutting it neatly into tiny pieces first, so that its easier & funner to eat (: I finished all my syrup & everyone only finished half :O I thought everyone finishes all the syrup? Haha, it's nice and sweet (: & I kept drowning my pieces of pancake in the syrup (unintentionally). As usual, Lisa was talking really loudly and noisily, until the people beside us were like SHHH! hahahaa.

& last night, jie was trying to choose her confirmation name, and this is what she has come up with:
  1. Julia Anatolia --> she likes this one a lot but to be named after a state?
  2. Julia Kirsten --> Dad readily objected this one. I said 'Jie was thinking of Julia Kirsten' & he was like 'What?' and I said 'Kirsten' and Dad went 'Huh??' and again I repeated 'Kirsten!' and he said kinda annoyed 'What? How do you spell that?' "K. I. R. S. T. E. N." And he says "Aiya, dowan la, dowan. Just a choose a simple, classic one, not one that nine out of ten people have not heard of. People will be saying "Huh? What? Clapton? Huh? Oh, oh! Curtain!" and then he laughs at his own joke. Dad can be really lame sometimes..
  3. Julia Anne! --> Heehee. I came up with this one :) It's such a sweet name :) Kind of like my cousin's - Julianne ;)

Okay there were many many more. But it's all up to jie herself to choose (: Hope she chooses Julia Anne, then I can tell the whole world I named my sister! Haha :D

Yes, anyway, back to science. One last chapter - digestion! & 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!! --> into the human stomach! O.o Hehehe, that was kind of funny. No, I am kind of funny ;)