Saturday, January 10, 2009

hello! to the few few people who are reading this :) i went bloghopping this morning, and i was so wowed by the so-many people regularly updating their blogs :o therefore, after seventy-one days of noblogging, i have COME BACK :D delighted, anybody? (.. no response. okay fine :()

well anyway, a lot has happened during that rather long period i was mia and i'd be killing myself if i tried to recount everything so i'll just forget about the last 62 days first [come, we are entering the time transporter --- anddd.. PSHHHHPAHHHRAHHHHHLOOOO--POOF! and the door has slided open. we step out together..] and here we are! the first day of school :D yup, it was a good first day, a great first week. i love my teachers, and (much more) importantly, i love my friends in threethreeeee :)) seriously, the people in my class, like everyone, are such nice sweet people :) i was sitting with pinkie for the first week. and since mr chan says we have to switch places, and sit next to someone from another class, i am now sitting next to fellow tennis pal, NETTIE :D some people feel it wasn't such a terrific idea of mr chan's, cause believe it or not, the class became so much more noisy after we found our new partners HAHA. well this past week was a busy and tiring one? cause had roundrobin mon, wed, fri. and physical test MONDAY :o and i think our homework load hasn't exactly been too short (as in the pile not high la lol) gosh, and the teachers totally know how to take advantage of the short 2-day period (meant for relaxing & recovering from a long week). they're like 'oh! today is friday ah? should give y'all a bit more to do..' or 'can y'all do a bit more since it's the weekend?' yeah, it got kinda irritating. and i had to bring back all my textbooks - physics, chem, geog, chinese. and actually had to bring back the two humongous A & E math textbooks. but i was smart and copied all the questions and answers on fulscap haha. okay maybe it wasn't such a good idea, cause it took a rather lonnng time to copy it all.. i can't believe it's only been a week since the first day of school :o i keep thinking or feeling that i've been going to school for a month. it's so weird. but i think it's better cause that means i've fallen back into school-mode? and i think it's wonderful that we can all still go recess with each other and that our class rooms are back-to-back :) and i still have cheena lessons with grace :D but no ASHLEY :'''(( and we got zhang lao shi again hahaha. FOUR YEARS LEH :o thank goodness zhanglaoshi's a nice laoshi :) okay this weekend, i gotta cut my hair & take passport photo, run & do situps, HOMEWORK, and that better be all.. aiyah, gotta go for chinese tuition now so goodbye my bestfriends!